Friday, September 30, 2011

You Create Your Life Path Quote

“Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” Irving Berlin

This quote is so true. We always read between the lines, try to plan ahead and never fully live in the moment. We do things, regret things, wish things would change and be different but we need to take life for what it really is and see how much happier you will really be!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Laugh More Quote

"The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” Mark Twain

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Feel Good Song: Cold Play Yellow

Tonight's a Cold Play kind of night! Sharing this with you because I am in that kind of mellow mood.

Accept Change Quote

“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” Nathaniel Branden

Monday, September 26, 2011

Go Go Go...Lack of Sleep & Complications

Ready set go....that's my life. I am always on the Go! My sisters laugh and say I always am out and about and never sit still. Between work, home, my social life and my little one there is always something to do. Don't get me wrong I am grateful to have the life I have but there have been times when I thought of taking a long vacation alone to catch up on sleep.

Today alone I went to a Focus group that got canceled. I visited a friend in the area since I had time to kill before picking up my lil one from school. I picked up lunch, got my daughter, stopped at my husband's job, went to the grocery store, went for ice cream and now cleaning up before having to cook dinner and attend my Turbo kick class or how I like to call it "Turbo Kick My Butt" class. Then I have to come home and work and hopefully be in bed before mid-night. Sleep is never a top priority which is so bad, I know but I have to skip out on some activity of life.

I live by the motto "Carpe diem" which is seize the day." I don't let a minute go by without trying to accomplish something. In reality I am just burning myself out. I woke up one day with puffy eyes and knew it was due to the lack of sleep. It was a reality check to me that I really can not skip out on sleep anymore.

Here are some important facts as to what the lack of sleep can do to you:
Here are some important facts as to why we all should sleep more:

Guess it is time for me to take a nap to catch up on my zzz's

Take Chances Quote

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Wayne Gretzky

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Be Happy Now Quote

"How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now, and there will never be a time when it is not now." Gerald Jampolsky

Feel Good Song: Bob Marley and Stereo Love Mix

This is a great mix!! Two great songs! Happy Saturday All!

Enjoy the Little Things Quote

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. " Robert Brault

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Create Your True Happiness Quote

"Being happy comes in different forms, don't judge your happiness on one thing. Focus on all the little things and once you combine them that's when you'll create your true happiness!"

Feel Good Song: Cold Play Fix You

This is one of my favorite bands and songs!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5 ingredient Apple Crisp...Quick and Easy and Yummy Too!

This 5 ingredient Apple Crisp is my all time favorite and I love how my house smells when I bake it!

  1. 1 Box of Yellow Cake Mix
  2. 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  3. 1 teaspoon of sugar
  4. 1 stick of melted butter
  5. 4 small apples chopped

Chop apples bite size. Line bottom of baking dish with apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Mix cake mix, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Top with melted butter and mix well. Cover apples with mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Staying in Shape

I love working out and I must admit I went three years without stepping in a gym. This past six months I really started getting into it again to get into shape and destress. Tonight I went to a "Turbo Kick" class which I would now like to refer to it as "Turbo Kick Your Butt" class. I stayed for 30 mins and could not believe how out of shape I felt.

The reality is that I am not really out of shape, I am in the same shape I was 7 years ago and when I was getting married- that was my early twenties... but with that said I want to emphasize how important it is to stay in shape.

Mix up your routine, don't go to the gym and do the same activities. Push yourself. I also took up running and LOVE IT. It puts a tole on your body but man does it feel awesome. I took on Zumba which is sooo much fun and am now mixing it up with different classes. I am not a skinny minnie, I have to work hard to stay in shape, I always have. I do not have the luxury to eat what I want and not gain weight. I always had a small weight problem but I found a program and a lifestyle that works for me and once you yourself finds that program that works for you too you still need to work on at it.

Don't give up, staying in shape is so rewarding to the mind, body and soul. We only get this one body, in this one be good to it, be true to it and stay in shape.

Let Go Quote

"People can only do so much until they come to a point when they realize there isn't more they can do and they need to learn to just let it go. "

Essex Steam Train

Our family took a trip to Essex, CT this past weekend and we went on their Steam Train. It was really cute for all the kids and even relaxing for the adults. This is a great place to definitely check out if you live in Connecticut or visiting. They even have a dinner train perfect for couples, a fright train to spook you for Halloween , a Santa special and the North Pole Express in December to get you in the holiday spirit. If you have the time take their Riverboat to Gillette Castle and have a picnic.

Check it out:

Essex Steam Train 2011

Laughter Quote

"Laughter is what helps me get through the crazy days of my life!"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Be Happy Quote

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Life's Lesson Quote

"The things that should make us weak only end up making us stronger!"

Everyone Has Good In Them Quote

"Everyone has good in them, sometimes you just have to search a little deeper to see it."

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Think Less Feel More Quote

"Life is about thinking less and feeling more!"

Running-Good for the Mind, Body and Soul

From my previous posts you'll notice I've been into being healthier this past year. I was diagnosed with being pre-diabetic and when I found out I totally took my health into my own hands and decided to do a life change. I started eating right and working out. My progress has been amazing and 6 months ago when I would run I was ok but never felt this good.

My husband is a runner. He has done races and has been actively pushing me to join him for the past two years. Since I started focusing more on my health I decided I would pick up running to add to my routine. Now I am not normally a runner. I am more of a Zumba, weight training type of person. But I decided to give it a shot and although I am still new to it I am LOVING it!

Running, jogging, walking any type of movement outside is sooo rewarding to the mind, body and soul. I am in the learning process but I must say it feels amazing! It is as if I could just keep going. It is like a "runners high" Yes, my goal is to join my husband in his next 5k. It is only 3 miles but I have set a goal. So hopefully by the Spring I will be ready to go.

Here are some awesome Running Facts:
  • Aging: Running is helpful is postponing the effects of aging on human body. Running is proficient in reducing the pace of aging, which keeps a person young physically and then, mentally. It is also applicable in nourishing the skin and pampering its glow. *
  • Muscle and Bone Loss:  Running is considered as one of the most significant exercises to maintain the uniformity of these body parts and is helpful in keeping the body in good shape.*
  • Stroke:  Running maintains the good profile of blood vessels, carrying blood from and to the brain and thus, fights against stroke.*
  • Diabetes: Running is capable of maintaining a balanced amount of carbohydrates and sugar in blood. It burns the surplus amount of sugar present in blood, keeping the blood clean to lead a healthy life.*
  • Cholesterol Level: Running is a good exercise in controlling the level of cholesterol in human body. *
  • Stress and Mood Improvement: Running is not only a physical exercise, but it also plays an important role in building good mental conditions.*


Monday, September 12, 2011

Smile More Quote

"Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important." Janet Lane

Be Unbreakable Quote

"People will try to break you down and will only succeed when you let them!"

Happy Birthday Spice

My doggy turned 10 today. Yes she was born on 9/11/01 and ironically she is terrified of fireworks, gun fire and any loud noises. She is our 9/11 angel. So Happy Birthday Spice. You are an amazing dog and still have the energy of a puppy.

Remembering Those from 9/11

9/11 is a day we'll all remember for the rest of our lives. It is a sad day where many people lost their lives over careless hatred. Family and friends and all Americans felt the pain that day and every year when this day approaches.

I remember being in college and watching the news before class. I called my parents, and boyfriend in shock of what was happening before my eyes. I immedialty called my sister who lives in the City and once I heard she was ok I was relieved but as the morning continued my heart dropped as each event occurred.  It was a moment in history where people around the world all felt the same way; scared, confused, nervous and sadness.

We all have a story to tell about that day. A story that will be passed on from generation to generation. A story where heroes where created and passed. It is a sad day for all of us and we all need to take a moment to pray for those all affected by this tragic day. We also need to learn hatred just causes pain. War is wrong and revenge never causes justice.

My thoughts are with you all who lost a loved one during this tragic event. And know that this is a day where Americans united as one and showed our true colors to help one another.

We Will Never Forget

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Looking for a New Job? Check out

I HIGHLY recommend this site to everyone who is looking for a new job
I know a number of people who found their current positions here. It is the "one stop" location for all job postings. It pulls all jobs on the Internet into one location. Great tool!

Check it out today and Happy Hunting!

Be True to Yourself and What You Want Quote

"Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it." Don Herold

Be Happy Quote

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Cheers to the Weekend

I always loved Thursdays! It's the last day before the weekend begins and everyone seems to be a little more relaxed and happy. Although my weekends are always crazy busy, I love turning my "work mode" off and enjoying myself with lil one, family and friends.

Cheers to tomorrow being Friday. Have a safe and wonderful weekend all!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Women Quote- Don't Try to Figure Us Out

"Women want what they want and that's that!"

Heavenly Dark Chocolate Icing

This icing is amazing! I baked over the weekend and did not have icing so I looked up some recipes and found this and it was a HIT! I even had people say they wanted to melt it and pour it over ice cream. It is really really good and easy to make.

Hershey Dark Chocolate Icing:
  • 2/3 cup of Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa
  • 1 stick melted butter
  • 2 tlb of powered sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp milk (Fat Free is Best-not need for extra calories)
Melt butter. Whisk cocoa in with the butter. Add powdered sugar, and milk. Mix well. Add sugar. *Please note icing will be loose at first and then thicken up. Add more milk if needed. AMAZING!

Think Like a Man Quote

"Every Woman should look like a Girl, act like a Lady and think like a Man!"