Monday, November 14, 2011

Face Your Fears

Ever had to Face Your Fears? We all have them, some are bigger than others, but reality is once you do it feels pretty good.

I know this sounds silly to most people but I have a huge fear of attics, so much that when I was looking to buy a home I insisted it could not have one. Silly right? But amazingly my house doesn't have one and I love it. So with that said the other day one of my sisters was telling me that she kept having this weird dream about my parent's attic. She wanted to go up it so she could try to figure out what it was about it that she kept dreaming about. We're all very into reading signs and over analyzing situations, ect...

Now my parent’s attic is freaky. It is one of those walk up these small steps and their house is a fairly large ranch so the attic is the whole lengthen of the house. I insisted she was on her own, so much that I felt sick to my stomach. So long story short I ended up making my way up to the attic with her, first time in my life. Yes at first I was shaking, pale, and freaking out but once I got up there I was ok.

Yes, this may be a small "Face Your Fears" to you but to me this was huge. I would have nightmares about this attic, not really sure why, but I faced one of my fears and am now over it. Life is about over come our fears, fears that hold us back and prevent us from moving forward. Not sure if I will ever really like attics after this but I figured trying to overcome this fear would only make me better not worse.

There’ll always be situations we have to face that we don’t want to face, some really big ones, some really small ones. Reality is facing up to them allows you to move past them. I have been trying my best to face up to some things that have been holding me back in my life, and at the end of the day it helps me move forward.
So tell me have you ever "Faced Your Fears?"

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