Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Fun!

I hope you all had a great holiday!!! Mine was filled with great food, drinks and lots and lots of gifts...guess Santa thought I was good this year :)

Holidays are so different when you have a child. It is like you become a child with them with all their excitement. My lil one is really into outer space, astronauts and the solar system so much that sometimes I wonder if she is really mine- just kidding. So Santa bought her a telescope, among many other great gifts, and today we went to the Discovery Museum and Planetarium in Bridgeport. It was so much fun that we decided to buy her a year membership.

I also took some time off of work and although I felt like all I did was find room in my house to put all these gifts it was actually really fun!!! For the first time I didn't log in at all-shocking I know!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays as well! Cheers to a wonderful 2012

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