Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If Santa Was a Woman Quote

"If Santa were a woman he wouldn't need elves". Kyle Richards

I love this quote and think it is sooo true. The other night I was venting to my hubby how the holidays has become so much work that I am starting not to enjoy them. Between all the get togethers, the cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping I am exhausted. My house looks like Christmas already exploded in it. I feel like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish all the things I need and want to do.

His suggestion was that I needed to "embrace the moment. To look around and be happy since it only comes once a year" Embrace the moment?! I finally turned to him and said you know what I need to start handing out some of my duties to you so you can help me "Embrace the moment!" So this quote is perfect for all us women that "do it all" while the men get to sit back and get to "Embrace" the holidays.

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