Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Girlfriend Quote

"Everyone needs a girlfriend they can vent to...cry with...and laugh with!"

xo KG, JCD, CC, CD, JK xo

The Ultimate Burger-Tastes Just Like a Big Mac

I love burgers and can name off a list of great places to eat the Ultimate Burger but if you are like me and like to cook then try out this easy recipe:

  • Burger- I make my own by making patties out of ground meat, shape them and cook
  • Ken's Steak House Lite Creamy Caesar dressing
  • Vlasic Kosher Dill Pickles
  • American Cheese
  • Buns-I like the garlic ones
  • Lettuce
  • Ketchup

Spray a griddle with Pam cooking spray, cook burgers, season with garlic salt. Mix a salad with the Ken's dressing. Once the burger is cooked top with american cheese, pickles, ketchup and salad. Tastes just like a Big Mac!

*Healthy alternative is to use ground turkey meat to make a turkey burger. Enjoy!