Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Did you know...The Average Couple Fights 312 Times a Year!

I have been with my husband long enough to know about the things I love about him and the things I do not love about him. But for some reason we still have our arguments.  I am sure we all have our lists of things that bug us and I am sure my husband has his too. So when I came across this article I laughed out loud and thought you may enjoy it too!

"Couples argue 312 times a year (mostly on Thursday at 8pm for ten minutes)"

My favorite thing they mentioned was out of the TOP TEN things couples argue about the number one thing women nag their significant other over is....Stubble in the Sink! Boy were they right...maybe the mirror should not be over the sink!

Happy Reading Ladies :)

Character Quote

"Experience is what builds character."

Happy 1st of the Month

I love the first of the month. I feel like it is New Year's and you can start a new beginning every time the 1st of the month approaches. This month I anticipate will be great, I have a lot of great weekend events planned with friends that I have not seen in a while, I am taking some weekend trips and before you know it Spring will be here.

So cheers to a good month to all of you! May you leave your troubles behind you and look forward to the wonderful times ahead of you!

"Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it.” Ninon de Lenclos