Monday, June 6, 2011

Help Create Your Destiny Quote

"Sometimes in life you can not wait for things to just happen, you have to give it that little push to get things moving!"

Protein vs Carbs Tip

When I was getting married I did the low carb diet and lost a ton of weight. But as we all know once you incorporate carbs back in your diet you blow up again. So I started reading the Insulin Resistant Diet book and this was a great tip:

You must offset carbs with protein. So as I understood it if you eat 30 grams of Carbs make sure you eat it with at least 15 grams of protein to slow the process of carbs turning into sugar. I have been following this diet for 6 weeks with meds and exercised and lost over 12 lbs. Now this diet is not for everyone but it does make sense.

More tips to follow!

Friends Quote

"Friends help keep us young at heart."