Thursday, June 23, 2011

Women vs Men

I was having a discussion with my husband about articles and women when he told me today a man said to a woman in discussion how "women are crazy but men are stupid."

I could not help but agree. Now I don't think women are all really crazy and that all men are stupid but the fact is we are completely opposites. Women are extremely emotional and men really are clueless sometimes. Wouldn't it be great if both sexes could have a balance!

I can recall several incidents
where I overreacted and husband didn't think twice about it. Women over analyze, we stress to much and allow ourselves to get too emotionally involved in situations that are unnecessary. Men tend to under emotionalize situations.Most men make a decision and then never look back.

In a perfect world there would be balance! Think about how much conflict and divorces would be avoided if we all just understood another better. I think this whole discussion shed some new light on my life. I have to be less emotional, less indecisive and not think things through so much. I am a reactor and it has often done harm instead of good. So going forward I am going to practice what I preach and hopefully live more carefree not careless but carefree.

Feel Good Song: Police I don't wanna lose your love tonight

It's raining here in CT and gloomy and thought this would get everyone in better spirits. One more day and it's Friday!!!

This is sure to get you all up and dance a lil ;)

Fun Summer Fact #2 Ice Cream

I scream you scream we all scream for...

Did You Know...

  • The average American eats around 5 1/2 gallons of ice cream a year, more than any other nationality. The late President Reagan declared July National Ice Cream month. It is also the month the most ice cream is sold.

Woman Happiness Quote

"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being." Oscar Wilde