Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life Quote

"Life is what you make of it!"

We Survived Irene

If someone told you to prepare for a Hurricane what would you do? I think I was pretty prepared and although we did not get hit that hard by this storm I did lose power for 3 full days and was pretty stressed all weekend.

We hardly got any water in the house and my fridge was due for a good cleaning but I did gain 2 lbs from dealing with the stress and boredom of no power. It is funny to think that our ancestors spent their whole life without power and three days drove me a little insane. I must admit it was nice hanging by candle light and work was on hold for a little while. I also noticed I went to be earlier, did not use any Social Media sites and felt pretty relaxed in the dark.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those who felt the affects from this storm and are still recovering from the damages it caused.