Happy Birthday Spice

My doggy turned 10 today. Yes she was born on 9/11/01 and ironically she is terrified of fireworks, gun fire and any loud noises. She is our 9/11 angel. So Happy Birthday Spice. You are an amazing dog and still have the energy of a puppy.

Remembering Those from 9/11

9/11 is a day we'll all remember for the rest of our lives. It is a sad day where many people lost their lives over careless hatred. Family and friends and all Americans felt the pain that day and every year when this day approaches.

I remember being in college and watching the news before class. I called my parents, and boyfriend in shock of what was happening before my eyes. I immedialty called my sister who lives in the City and once I heard she was ok I was relieved but as the morning continued my heart dropped as each event occurred.  It was a moment in history where people around the world all felt the same way; scared, confused, nervous and sadness.

We all have a story to tell about that day. A story that will be passed on from generation to generation. A story where heroes where created and passed. It is a sad day for all of us and we all need to take a moment to pray for those all affected by this tragic day. We also need to learn hatred just causes pain. War is wrong and revenge never causes justice.

My thoughts are with you all who lost a loved one during this tragic event. And know that this is a day where Americans united as one and showed our true colors to help one another.

We Will Never Forget