Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Think Less Feel More Quote

"Life is about thinking less and feeling more!"

Running-Good for the Mind, Body and Soul

From my previous posts you'll notice I've been into being healthier this past year. I was diagnosed with being pre-diabetic and when I found out I totally took my health into my own hands and decided to do a life change. I started eating right and working out. My progress has been amazing and 6 months ago when I would run I was ok but never felt this good.

My husband is a runner. He has done races and has been actively pushing me to join him for the past two years. Since I started focusing more on my health I decided I would pick up running to add to my routine. Now I am not normally a runner. I am more of a Zumba, weight training type of person. But I decided to give it a shot and although I am still new to it I am LOVING it!

Running, jogging, walking any type of movement outside is sooo rewarding to the mind, body and soul. I am in the learning process but I must say it feels amazing! It is as if I could just keep going. It is like a "runners high" Yes, my goal is to join my husband in his next 5k. It is only 3 miles but I have set a goal. So hopefully by the Spring I will be ready to go.

Here are some awesome Running Facts:
  • Aging: Running is helpful is postponing the effects of aging on human body. Running is proficient in reducing the pace of aging, which keeps a person young physically and then, mentally. It is also applicable in nourishing the skin and pampering its glow. *
  • Muscle and Bone Loss:  Running is considered as one of the most significant exercises to maintain the uniformity of these body parts and is helpful in keeping the body in good shape.*
  • Stroke:  Running maintains the good profile of blood vessels, carrying blood from and to the brain and thus, fights against stroke.*
  • Diabetes: Running is capable of maintaining a balanced amount of carbohydrates and sugar in blood. It burns the surplus amount of sugar present in blood, keeping the blood clean to lead a healthy life.*
  • Cholesterol Level: Running is a good exercise in controlling the level of cholesterol in human body. *
  • Stress and Mood Improvement: Running is not only a physical exercise, but it also plays an important role in building good mental conditions.*

* http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/health-benefits-of-running.html