Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lose Weight While Eating Every 2 Hours

In the past 6 months I have been devoted to watching what I eat, working out and living a healthier life style. I began eating every two hours and 6 months later I HAVE to eat every two hours. Now with that said, I eat 5 small meals a day. I have trained my metabolism to "wake up" and it burns calories faster. Bad thing is that I MUST eat every two hours or else I am starving. I keep extra bars and 100 calorie packs of almonds in my purse just in case I am not home or someplace I can eat.

Now this is not easy to do without preparation. Most of the time I make a meal and split it in half so I can eat the other half in a couple of hours. Once you train yourself you get fuller faster. It takes some work at first but once you get used to creating meals and teaming up foods it becomes very easy. Below are some examples:

Egg Sandwich on 9 grain bagel: In a pan use Pam Olive Oil spray, add 3 eggs-1 with the yoke the others white. Top with a slice of cheese. Toast bagel but take out some of the middle you do not need the extra bread or calories. EAT HALF, save other Half for two hours later. This has about 12 grams of protein at each serving.

Yogurt and almonds: Nonfat Chobani yogurt and roasted almonds. This has about 15 grams of protein

Grilled Chicken Wraps: Buy the low carb wraps. I like the 100 calorie ones. Add grilled chicken with salad and balsamic dressing. This is about 14 grams of protein.

These are just some quick, easy, yummy treats. Make sure whatever you eat is high in protein, low in sugar and fat.

Below are great articles on why eating every two hours is important in weight loss:

Exercise is VERY important with aiding with weight loss. I work out 3 x a week for about an hour and I mix up my routine every time. I do an hour class a week, and the other two days cardio and weights/machines. Challenge yourself, start off slow and stick to a plan that will work for you. After years of the scale going up and down I am loving this new "lifestyle" that I created that helped me get back in shape and more importantly, stay in shape! I love having the same body I had 7 years ago!

Change Within Quote

"Change must start from within. You can't change a situation until you change the way you think and feel about the situation ."