Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do You Work Out? If Not... Why Not?

I can not emphasis enough how important it is to work out. Now I am not trying to preach about how important it is to work out only for your health but for your mind too. Over the holidays I did not stick to my routine as much due to a hectic schedule but boy did my moods change due to missing my workouts.

Working out is so important for the mind and body. It is an excellent stress reliever! I am not asking you to work out to push yourself beyond the limits you can not handle, I am asking you to start off 3x a week for just 30 mins. That's it. Try that for a couple of weeks and add more time and days once you get comfortable.

I work out 3x a week for an hour. Some days more some days less, but I try to do a total of 3 hrs a week. It feels good once you start to do it that you'll be pushing yourself to "leave" the gym.

The key to a good workout is to first find a gym you feel comfortable in. I look like crap when I work out and really do not care. I am not there to socialize and love that my gym is filled with people who are there to sweat and work out not make friends and date. 

My suggestion to you is to eat a lite meal with protein before you go. Don't work out on an empty stomach, bring a great play list with your favorite songs and water. Water is so important. Stretch before and after and make sure you listen to your body. Don't push yourself too much at first.

Please note I am not a doctor, I am an average person like you sharing my tips on a healthier lifestyle. SO please consult your doctor before doing any work out if you have any health conditions! We are all different so what may work for me may not work for you. 

Cheers to a healthier life! 

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