Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Monday All!

Happy Monday Everyone! Not only is it Monday but it is also the end of the month and that means...well whatever you want it to mean but to me it means a fresh month.

January was ok to me...funny cause I am such a believer in signs and "The Secret" but yet I blame months on my bad experiences. So let me refresh, I allowed myself to get a little too stressed and overworked myself in the month of January, a lot of minor-unavoidable situations happened.  But with that said I did start working out again 3hours a week and I did not put on weight for the holidays, and I did drop another pants size YAY! More positives: I did work extra hours, I did book our big family vaca, I did have an amazing girls weekend so January was bad but yet so good in so many ways as well!

If you are going to take the good you have to take the bad too in every situation!

Happy Monday!

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