Friday, January 20, 2012

Life is a Test

Everything that happens in life is a test. It's a test to see what can break you, but really it's about learning how to fix you, and make you stronger. It's funny how you think you are having a bad day and you hear about someone else having an even worse day then you and you think, well it can be worse.

The reality is life is not easy, life can really suck sometimes, but every situation we are faced with is a test to see how strong we are, it helps us build our character, it helps us get by the bad situations because we've dealt with even worse situations.

Sometimes I want to throw in the towel and say I give up but then I think about how much stronger I become. I also realize that every situation I encounter helps me look at life differently. I start to realize I am creating who I am everytime I handle a situation. I once had a friend ask how I manage to do it all and honestly just like the rest of you I don't. Some days I can do it all other days I give it all I can and whatever doesn't get done will have to wait. We just do what we have to do and smile along the way.

I always thought by the time I was an adult I would have life figured out and then something happens and I am learning about what life is about all over again. Life is a test, you can NOT fail this test, you can only pass and what I mean by this that we will make mistakes, we will do things and later look ourselves in the mirror and laugh at ourselves. We will have crappy days but then really good days. Don't let the bad days break you.

I love the expression "What we cry about today, we'll laugh about tomorrow." It is so true. So remember when your day is bad just remember tomorrow is another day. When your day is awesome, cherish it. Take it from me when they say "Life is what you make of it" they are not lying. And remember whenever you encounter a bad day just repeat to yourself that this too shall pass. Don't allow the things in life to bring you down. Allow yourself to grow with every experience and be good to yourself. Love yourself and when things bring you down pick yourself back up! Most importantly smile and be grateful because this life won't last forever!

1 comment:

  1. So true.... This is why we have been best friends for so many years!!!
