Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolution... Did you make one?

Every year I normally make a resolution, sometimes I stick to it, sometimes I forget about it, but this year I decided not to make one. The reason for this is that we always think a new year means a new beginning but the reality is that everyday is a new beginning. I think 2011 really tested me in believing a lot of things, things I used to believe in that I don't anymore.

As a child my mom warned me that the older you got the less shocked you got from the events that took place around you. You see it all, heard it all been through it all. 2011 was kind of my eye opener for a lot of things. Things I could have prevented, things that made my life better, things that made my life more complicated and things that had nothing to do with me but somehow affected me.

With that said do know that every day, every hour, every minute, every second can be changed. You do not need a resolution to make a change, you need to believe in yourself to make a change. I guess I wish I could go back to when I was younger and oblivious but in reality when the tough gets going we just get stronger.

Be happy in 2012, love yourself, be good to yourself and the people around you. Remember everyday you can make a change. Life is short, life changes by the second, embrace it, love it and know that bad things happen fast but good things happen even faster.

Cheers to 2012!

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