Monday, February 20, 2012

All Dogs Go to Heaven

Today I lost a very special animal, my family dog Toto. He was the cutest little long haired Chiwawa and only 12. It's crazy how losing a pet can feel like you lost a family member!

My daughter is only 3 so it is funny how you never know how to tell her about death. I explained that he had to go to heaven because he was sick but he'll always be with us. It's also crazy how the other dogs know he is no longer here.

I personally have two dogs and sometimes it feels like having two more children, and that is just what they are. Animals are our children and look at us to protect them, provide for them and nurture them. No one wants to see an animal go but when they are in pain and you know you can no longer help them you have to learn to let them go.

It was a very rough day for all of us but one person said it well. "All Dogs Go to Heaven." And I know he is running around up there!

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