Friday, March 30, 2012

90 Day Challenge

I decided to start a 90 day challenge with my husband to loose the extra weight I am still carrying and gain more muscle. I was diagnosed 8 months ago with being insulin resistant and since then lost over 20lbs with diet and exercise. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight-yes I held on to it for 2 years but want to get back to my wedding weight which is 15lbs lighter than what I am now. I feel GREAT and would love to look like this forever but am now determined to push myself to look even better.

The program I am doing is P 90 X. What it is a 90 day work out routine that focuses on muscle confusion. Which we all know that we need to confuse our muscles when we work out, so stop doing the same routine and mix it up at the gym. Do weights one day, yoga the next, kick boxing next, etc... Never do the same things.  The best thing about this program is that I can do it at home and with my crazy schedule it is PERFECT for me. I still need to go to the gym to run because we all know running helps keep me sane. I also am going to keep my own diet going which is eating every two hours, high protein, with carbs that are high grain-no white flour and limited sugar.

I took some before pics and will follow up weekly with my results. I am actually really excited at the thought of finally having abs.

Spring is here and summer is near so for once I will be excited for bikini season!

Wish me luck!

*Please note I am not a doctor so please consult with your doctor before starting any exercise routine*

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