Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Juggling Act

I feel like life is a juggling act. I am a part time worker and a mom and I seem to constantly be juggling the two. For example tonight I am making my daughter green cupcakes for her St. Patty's day party at her preschool while checking my email for work. I am 40% worker, 55 % mom, 5% "me" and 100% go go go.

I know that you are all thinking the same way. I mean think about it. In life we all juggle different parts of who we are. For me I am a mother, worker, wife, friend, daughter, sister, aunt...and the list goes on. I juggle being there for my child, putting her in activities that I think would be good for her social skills, trying to be involved in her schools-yes she is currently in two different preschools which means pack snack for one and doing projects for another.

Then I am a worker with multiple clients, I juggle different tasks all day long for different clients. Then there's the "me" part. The person who loves to go to the gym, have date night with my hubby, grab drinks with my girlfriends, and when I have the time write or blog and catch up with family and friends. I have been so accustomed to this juggling act that even when I do get that free moment to lay on the couch I am reading the paper or a magazine while watching T.V.

If someone asks me to give up a part of my juggling act I couldn't. Being a mom was what I'm meant to be, working helps me grow a part of who I want to be and the "me" part...well let's face it we all need some "me" time.

So I guess my juggling act will have to continue. I may age a little faster from it but I guess at the end of the day all those parts really do make up who I really am!

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