Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th! Feeling Lucky...

I always thought Friday the 13th was a lucky proved it!

Like every morning I wake up, get my daughter ready for school, make breakfast let the dogs out, get dressed etc...Well today I look down at one of my dogs and notice his mouth is swollen. I have been down this road, actually 3rd time since January, so I am now a pro. I knew immediately he got stung and needed benadryl before the reaction spread along his lymph nodes making it hard for him to breath. As his face is growing in size I break down the tablet and stick in his mouth. 

Thankfully I live around the corner from the animal hospital and as I am driving there I look at him and say buddy you are going to cost me another couple hundred dollars today, good thing I love ya, but then I notice his swelling starts to decrease. My level of panic decreases as I approach the hospital and walk in. 

I speak with the doctor and stress how this is the 3rd time in three months my dogs had a reaction and I don't know what to do.  She turns to me and says "Go home, give him more benedrayl and I will NOT charge you for this visit." WHAT? No Charge. "Really" I said. "Yep" she replied. I thought it was joke.

She takes him in the back and ten minutes later I am taking my dog home, bill-less. Yes, a FREE visit to the animal hospital- I have NEVER heard of such a thing. I thanked her a thousand times and walked out happy.  Of course the minute we get home my pup jumps on my couch and knocks down my daughter's bowl of cheerios and that was when I knew he was back to normal.

So for all of you who say Friday the 13th is BAD LUCK, I say its a myth. Yes, my dog had a minor reaction BUT it could have been worse and the fact that I went home without paying $200 emergency vet bill makes me believe and continue to believe Friday the 13th isn't such a bad day after all!

*Note to all ALWAYS carry and have Bendrayl in your house and purse when you have children and pets. Also note animals CAN NOT have grape flavored since they say it is poison for pets. Always have plain tablets and another GREAT tip: Dispense the amount of Benadryl your pet weighs. So 10 pounds then dispense 10 mg.

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