Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Time Flies...Baby Girl School Picture

The saying "time flies when you're having fun" is the perfect saying for the how I feel about my lil one. She has this amazing way of not only making me feel good but everyone around her. I remember the day I found out I was having a girl, I always thought I would have all boys, so when the ultrasound tech said girl 100 things went through my head; proms, weddings, boyfriends, laughs, tears etc...

Being a girl, I know how much work we can be, but my lil one is different. She loves sports, yet loves to wear dresses, she laughs at the silliest things, makes me feel good when I am down and is so smart with an incredible imagination. She is social, loves music, loves to paint and acts like an adult at times. I feel she is the best of my husband and me. She is the "product" of both our best qualities. At times I joke I don't know where she came from because she is just so happy and smart and full of sunshine all the time.

Now she's in preschool and I received her school pictures today and it really hit home how big she is getting, how fast she is growing up, and how blessed I am to have her. She's an amazing little girl and I wish I could freeze time and keep her this little forever.

 My lil munchkin

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