Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Be a Good Host/Hostess Tips...

We've been going to at least one party a week and I always love how everyone is unique in their own way. My lil one is 3 so I would like to think I do not have a ton of experience with entertaining although the constant friend parties and gatherings don't always count since your friends do not to be entertained. So when I go to a party I love to see how people do things differently. Some things I tend to take note and others I make sure to avoid. Although all the recent parties we have been to were great below are some tips on how to even be a better host:

  • Don't rush your guests: I always think you need to have your apps out for when you guests arrive, serve your main dish within an hour and then dessert but the key to not making your guests feel like they have to leave is leave the main dish on the side while you serve dessert. That way guests can still pick and not feel like after dessert it is time to go.
  • Grill sooner than later: When you go to a party you look forward to the food, not just the company so while your guests are having their apps start your grill. There is nothing worse than knowing your hostess is going to grill and noticing the grill hasn't even been turned on long after the apps have been out.
  • Put things away: Let's face it guests are noisy, don't leave things around you do not want them to see and most importantly when there are kids around put away the toys you do not want them to play with. Kids are rough and accidents happen. Prevent things breaking by putting away things that can easily be broken.
  • Be Prepared: There's always that one guest that needs something that you have not put out. Be prepared and do not get frustrated when they ask for it.
  • Smile, Smile, Smile: Hosts I know throwing a party is a lot of work, you prep days before, clean the house, while the day of are running around to make everything work but take a 10 minute break, smile and mingle with your guests. There is nothing worse then seeing a host or hostess looking miserable, acting snappy towards their spouse and tired at their own party. It makes guests feel like they want to leave as soon as they can. Throwing a party is a lot of work but should be fun as well!

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