Thursday, October 18, 2012

Candy Candy Fun Facts for Halloween

I remember trick or treating with my sisters and coming home to us trading the stuff we liked and didn't like with one another. The funny thing is that after a week the candy phase is over and you are left with a bunch of candy and no one interested in eating it.

Below are some Fun Candy Facts:

  • How Long Does Candy Last? Milk chocolate is good for no more than 8 to 10 months, while dark lasts up to two years. Hard candy will also keep in a cool, dry place for about a year. Store soft candies in a covered dish away from direct heat and light. Enjoy them within six months. *
  • How Much Candy is Sold During Halloween? A whopping 90 million pounds of chocolate candy is sold during Halloween week** That's a whole lot of candy and I bet dentist love it!
  • Candy Corn: Candy Corn was invented in 1880 and is most popular and known around Halloween, however they also make Reindeer Corn  (red, green, and white), Indian corn (it's chocolate and vanilla flavored), Cupid corn for Valentine's Day (red, pink, and white) and Bunny corn for Easter (pastel-colored). ***
  Sources:   * ** ***

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