Sunday, November 18, 2012

Next Steps...

I am meeting with one of the highly recommended Thyroid Cancer surgeons in Connecticut at Yale New Haven Hospital tomorrow. The nerves are starting to set in.  I think I am more worried about what he is going to say then when I first found out I had cancer. I spoke with his nurse when I made my appointment and she said we would have options. One major one is having surgery now vs. waiting until the baby is born. 

At this point in my life I know it sounds silly but I do not have time to deal with these kind of things. I am a mom, I want to be there for my little girl and eat ice cream on the couch at night and fulfil my pregnancy cravings. Not worry about having cancer and surgery and the recovering period. I know it sounds crazy but once you are a mom your focus isn't on yourself anymore and now it has to be.

Of course I did what everyone told me NOT to do. I read online and forums about people going through this and it is super scary but also highly curable.

Cancer is cancer. It is crazy to feel good but yet know there is cancer in my body! I have a ton of questions and glad my husband will be with me at this appointment. I am keeping positive and have a great support system already. One thing I need to remember is that: No one ever got anywhere feeling sorry for themselves! Positive attitudes will bring positive outcomes!

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