Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Life Has Taught Me...

November hasn't been a great month for me. It's funny because something goes wrong and I think I can get through it and then something else happens and I am like ok no problem by the time the next thing goes wrong I can't help to think life is trying to play tricks on me. Nope no tricks. It's just life. Some things Life has taught me:

*Children are a lot of work but so good for our soul!
* Never ever say never.
* Working for family or close friends NEVER works!
* Be good to others always, you never know who will end up helping you at the end.
* Cancer is horrible and will and can affect everyone of all ages. 
* Crying is good! Don't always try to be strong for everyone.
* Have faith in God.
* At your lowest point still try to be grateful. Someone out there is dealing with something harder than you are.
* Live for TODAY stop thinking so ahead you never know what you'll end up having to deal with tomorrow!
* You can never tell someone you love them too much.
* Be true to yourself .
* Pray and have faith to believe that whatever you are dealing with shall pass!

Life can be glorious and sometimes life can really suck. But at the end of the day life is life. We need to take it one day at time. 

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