Saturday, January 7, 2012

Your Life is Your Own Quote

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins."  Bob Moawad

Never Say Never...

Ever judge someone and turn around to do exactly what you judged them on? Ever say you would never do something to just turn around and do it?

The point I am getting at is never say never. Never say you will not do something or put up with something or feel a certain way when in reality when you say that then you will be faced with it. And I bet the way you handled it will shock you. It's like the law of attraction, what you put out you get in return. What you focus on preventing you will have to on day face.

I changed a lot these last couple of years. I became less judgemental and opened my eyes to other's points of view and the reason for this is that: you may say you will handle a situation one way and once you are faced with it, you handle it the complete opposite way.

We all have a boundary as to what we will stand for in our lives and what we won't but the reality is our true being and beliefs come out when we have to face a problem head on. I have always had an opinion on people, I always felt one strong way, but as I got older I learned to stop having such a strong opinion and to be more open.

I never thought I would work from home, I never thought I would even want to work while having children, I never thought I would want to be as independent as I am. I always said I wanted to get educated and go to college, get married and raise a family. Who wouldn't!?  Yes, I did get a college degree, got married, had a child but I do not want to stop at that. I want to be more, have more, do more. I like having a career, I like being independent, I like being a role model to my daughter. I was not happy when I was not working. 10 years ago if you said I would be where I am at today I would say you're wrong.

My point to all of you is we need to stop judging and start learning. The man who cheats and the wife who stays or vice verse is because it is harder to leave then to stay, the kid who takes drugs and hangs with the wrong crowd is not a bad person they just have deep issues that no one wants to take the time to deal with. The one who judges most is the one who is feared of being judged.

Never say never...never say not my child or I would never...always remember that God gives you what you can handle. Look back on any situation in your life and pay attention to how you dealt with it, how you could have prevented it and how you learned from it. After all the journey of life is a journey. The mistakes we make happen so we do not repeat them. The stories we hear remind us that yes anything can happen. The people who come in and out of our lives are there for a reason. We can prevent things, but you can not prevent fate or destiny but you can change the way you interpret it and change the way you handle the things that come in your life. You can change, people do every day but if you decide to do it make sure it is for the best. Life is too short to keep making the same mistakes and not learn from it. Be true to who you are and what you want and make sure to not hurt people along the way.

I read a quote today that I came across that made me stop and think: "To die well you need to live well, but living well is it’s own reward." Dan Kuban

Good for the Soul Quote

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." Marcel Proust