Thursday, January 12, 2012

Children Quote

"While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about." Angela Schwindt

My Daughter is Good for My Soul

It's funny how different children can make you feel. People always say having children makes your life more difficult, and although it is harder due to the fact that you have someone else to take care of I feel like my daughter makes my life easier at times. She helps me stop and appreciate the little things in life.

Life can be complicated, it's so easy for us to get stressed out and over work ourselves. But whenever times get tough I take a time out and just being with my daughter makes all the worries go away. She has this certain smile and way that calms me.

At night when she's sleeping I want to just curl up in her bed and forget all the problems of my day. When I have a really hectic day I tend to stop working early and pick her up. My mom is always wondering why I finished work early and my response was "I just needed a break so I wanted to see my daughter." Strange right?!

Reality is kids are simple, they look at life in a simple way and sometimes us adults need to be reminded of that. Life can be as complicated or as simple as we wish. Sometimes things are not in our control but when we look at life through our child's eyes it much more beautiful then we imagined it would be.

So stop and enjoy the little, simple things. I know I need to do that more for sure and my daughter is a constant reminder to help me do that! She's good for my soul and we all say we were brought here on earth for a purpose and I truly believe she was brought here to help me enjoy my life more.