Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Cleaning Your Health

Why not start Spring by cleaning up your health! Ever notice the gym is always super busy after New Year's and as the week pass by it slows down more and more? We all get into this mode that we are going to be healthy for the New Year and then we slowly change our tune and before you know it our gym card is covered in dust.

Well Spring is the PERFECT time to clean up your health. First start off by getting rid of unnecessary snacks in your house. Yesterday I was doing some spring cleaning and decided it was a great time to clean up my pantry filled with unhealthy snacks and to spring clean my health. I filled two big bags of sugary goodies and shipped them to my husband's job. I do not need these type of snacks around my house and honestly whenever my daughter asks for a snack I'll never give her peeps or chocolate cookies. Her snacks consist of fruit, goldfish, pretzels and cheese and crackers.
Spring is a perfect time to create a schedule that works for you. Since it stays light out later plan a walk after dinner, garden on the weekends, stock the fridge with fresh fruit and set a goal to a healthy you! Add a multi vitamin to your diet, crank up the music while you clean your house, take the time to add extra arm exercises while you clean your windows and lounges while you vacuum. Best tip ever is when you go to the store park a little further then you normally do to add a little distance to walk a little more.

Just because the New Year came and went doesn't mean you can't start a healthy lifestyle today!

Competing with Yourself Quote

"When you compete with others you are really trying to fix something you don't like about yourself."