Sunday, April 29, 2012

Be Yourself Quote

"He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." Raymond Hull

Great Websites for Cash Back, Deals and Coupons

The Internet is filled with amazing sites and deals. Below is a list of some of my favorite ones that I use regularly.
  • Ebates: This site is really cool. You earn cash back and they give you coupons. Ex. Order an item from Children's Place and you'll get a percentage of your order back in cash. I received my 1st check this week
  • Open Table: If you enjoy going out to dinner as much as I do then this site is great for you. You earn points for every reservation you make. Once you earn enough points cash them in for a gift card to use.
  • Retail Me Not Coupons: I am the queen of coupons when shopping online, so much that my family puts me in charge of placing their orders online since I always find a coupon for them. Retail Me Not always has great coupons for web orders.
Have a website you love to use, then please share with me!!!

Happy Shopping!