Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our Children Are Our Future-Parents Do Your Part

There's been an increase in shootings and crime in the town I live in. I grew up in this town and always felt safe in it but once I had a child my views changed. The other day there was a shooting in my neighborhood and they had to lock down the area schools. Luckily my daughter was not in school but the thought of the fear our child had to go through is what really got me upset.

I hate to say I blame the parents of these people who are mixed in with the wrong crowds but I must say as a parent it is our role, job and duty to step up to the plate and guide our children into the correct path in life. Being a parent comes with great sacrifice but it also comes with a great duty to make sure our children grow up to be a positive influence in our society.

For these kids who are shooting one another, causing crime in our town and creating a life of disaster for themselves need to take a closer look at themselves and realize their actions effort a lot more people then themselves. No child should have to be in school and hear about a shooting. We enroll our child to get an education thinking they will be safe and when a situation like this occurs it really gets me angry to think that our peers, and people in our neighborhoods are out to harm one another.

Parents own up to your duties, and people who are filled with hate seek help. Crime will always be around and you can not run from it but it is our duty to try to put an end to it. We can start today but being their for our children and teaching them not to harm others and how to handle hate and anger. I have never feared crime around me but as a parent I do fear that there are more and more children being raised in broken homes or depending on themselves and it makes me sad that adults out there aren't doing there part to raise better people! Step up and if you can't then seek help.