Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Do What's Right for You Quote

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do and damned if you don't." Eleanor Roosevelt

Crazy Things Kids Say

My daughter is at the age where she is too smart for her own good. I love watching her and listening to her speak. She loves to make up stories and her "why" stages are slowing down.  She cracks me up and I sometimes wish I had a constant recorder on to capture these funny moments. Below are just a few "crazy things" she has said or asked recently.

- I was trying on bikini tops when she turned to me and asked "Mamma why do your boobies look so sad?"
- Whenever she has to goo potty she sings it " Mammmma I gotta go Peeee Peee, Mammma I gotta go   Peee Pee."
- She let out a big Yawn the other day said "Mamma I'm yawning because I am hungry."
-Whenever we go through the pharmacy drive through she asks for chicken nuggets.
- We were at TJ Maxx and she wanted to know the name of a little boy so the other mom told her and when the mom asked my lil one her name she told her and introduced me as Kinky Cat.
-At the grocery store I went to pay and she said "Hurry up you old bag"

As a parent it is hard to keep a straight face when your child says something embarrassing. You do not want to laugh because that will encourage their behavior but I must say my sisters-who do not have children-enjoy my embarrassing stories. I hope you enjoyed the laughs and remember if you are a parent to cherish these moments because they are short and life is short!

What "crazy things" has your child said recently?

Move Forward Quote

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr