Monday, July 23, 2012

Enjoy Your Life!

Tonight I realized time flies whether you're having fun or not so you might as well sit back and enjoy your life. I was downloading videos from my Flip when I started to view some old videos of when my lil one was super little. I started to cry, I cried because I could not believe it was the same lil girl who talks in full sentences, and can get dressed and undressed alone and is so independent. The baby on the video was a baby I will never ever gonna get back. She's older now, and will continue to get more older.

Here's the reality of life people we rush through it wondering what our next move will be, we get angry if we aren't where we think we should be. We fight with our spouses over the tiniest things that at the time seem so huge. We waste our energy watching the time pass by that we do not realize it until it is long gone. We put so much pressure on ourselves that we forget to enjoy the little things.

That baby in the video only needed my love, food and attention. That was it. And I am not saying I did not enjoy my moments with her because I truly did, but seeing how much she changed made me realize that I needed to change. I need to slow down and appreciate the little things more.

Take my lesson and enjoy your life. Really really try to enjoy every minute of it, I for one know it gets hard when things do not go our way, but please try to especially if you have children because they grow so fast, within a matter of just 5 months my lil one went from saying words to full sentences, and those moments of stress from work or having to take care of the dogs and clean the house aren't going to be the memories that stick with us. Choose your time wisely and do not regret anything. Enjoy your life!!!

Saying I Love You Quote

"You may say it but if you do not show it then saying I love you is just a phrase. To have a successful relationship your significant other must feel it without having to hear you say it."

What Makes One Person Happy Doesn't Make Another Quote

"One person's perception of happiness is another person's perception of unhappiness."