Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Best In You Quote

"Some people will bring out the best in you, others the worse. Stray away from those who bring out the worse and embrace the ones that help show your best!"

Love, Experience, Fun...

Social Media is filled with funny quotes, silly games and inspirational stories. The other day I was on Facebook and a friend posted a word search. The concept was to write down the first three words you could find in the word search. Those three words represent what you want out of life. The first three words I saw were Love, Experience and Fun. At first I was a little set back, yes I know this is a silly game but it really did make some sense to who I am.

I'm a lover. If fairy tales were real then in my past life I lived one. I was meant to be married with kids.  I yearn for love, companionship and happiness. That was always who I was. I would pick a happy marriage and children over having a big success career with lots of money. Since I could remember I never wanted those things. I did want a good job, but was not willing to sacrifice love for a big career. People who say if they got divorced or widowed would not remarry, I probably would, although I do love my husband with all my heart and soul, I am not the type of person who likes to be alone. Love gives you a sense of security. Being in love makes me happy and brings out the good in me. I mean reality is don't  we all want someone to love!

Although I am not a huge adventurous person I do love to go through and learn about different experiences of life. I have a dear friend who always asks how I go through life always with a smile. It's about experience. Experiences make you stronger. Whether good or bad you become stronger and a better person. I love trying new food and restaurants. I love meeting people. In my old age I've been more comfortable in doing things whether alone or with someone. Every journey in life is an experience, yes there are some experiences I would love to forget but then there are others that help built who I am today.

Who doesn't like to have fun?? I am the girl who needs to go out at least once a week. Whether to dinner or out  with friends, or to a movie, something fun. I need to do something and have fun at least once a week. I tried staying in and caught myself looking to do something fun on a Tuesday night. I love surrounding myself with people who make me feel good, who aren't jealous or competitive and like having fun!
Life is about having fun. There is always so much on our shoulders and responsibilities that if we do not stop and have fun once in a while or once a week then what is the point! Enjoy life and doing the things that make you happy!

If you could play the word search what 3 words do you think would represent what you want out of life?

Love Quote

"Some people care too much, I think it's called Love." Winnie the Pooh