Saturday, September 22, 2012

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons

I LOVE COUPONS! Below are some great coupons and coupon codes. Reminder login into your account to earn cash back from some of these sites! Happy Shopping!!!



Pregnancy Brain

Dear Readers,

I love my blog and apologize for not being so proactive lately. I have had the worst pregnancy brain- my husband is a witness and every night when I am finally lying on the couch I am determined to login and post some great finds then wake up to the sound of my own snoring. Yes, 8:30 has been my bed time these past 4 months. Although I am soooo excited and grateful and happy to be pregnant again I have to set aside time to still pay attention to the things I enjoy, like my blog!

So going forward I promise to be proactive and again am grateful for all your continued support!!!!


Mommy 2 Be Again

Also since twitter is a great app on my phone please be sure to follow me to catch all my feeds-I usually post at least once a day MommyCT2009