Thursday, November 15, 2012

What Doesn't Kill Us Will Make Us Stronger

I believe in life we all have a story to tell, a situation we faced that made us who we are. Some people have more than others, some people let the bad things or unfortunate situations alter who they are. They say things all happen to make us stronger. I believe at times this is true. But we never really acknowledge our strengthens until months, or even years that the bad event or experience has passed.

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant and learned I have Thyroid Cancer!

Writing it and reading it is scarier than I feel. I mean I do not feel sick and I won't know how bad it is until I meet with a Surgeon but just the word Cancer is scary enough. I have yet to come to terms with it, which I expect since I just found out this week, but I do know everyone I know has had their share of rough times and now it's my turn! So if you are going through a rough time, you are not alone, but remember in the end "What doesn't kill us, truly will make us stronger!"