Sunday, December 16, 2012

Have More Faith! Prayers for Newtown CT!

I encourage all my readers to take a moment and pray for all those affected by the horrific act that took place in Newton Connecticut on Friday. The Sandy Hook Massacre is a reminder that there are so many people out there filled with so much hate that it is scary they live among us in our society. We need to have more faith in our lives, we need to have more compassion for other people, we need to value life a little more.

The shooter had no right to take away anyone's life and destroy a community. It is unthinkable to image how one human being could cause so much unnecessary pain. My heart continues to ache for those families that lost a loved one and being a mother I can not comprehend how anyone could harm a child. Those poor babies who lost their life and those who witness such drama is a way of telling society to WAKE UP! Have more Faith, I highly doubt the shooter had any relationship with a higher power, I doubt he believed that one day he would step foot in front of God to confess his sins. I am not a advocate for religion but I do believe that those who do not have any faith in any type of religion seem to forget the meaning of life.

We are born to help one another, to leave a mark in this world. A POSITIVE mark. We were not born to harm others. We need to be there for our children, remind them how evil should not be a part of our life. That shooter had to be filled with so much hate and evil to not care who he hurt, because today I feel like our whole nation is affected by the evil acts caused by one single individual.

Have faith, believe in God, look for guidance in rough times. Life is not easy, life can be hard, but we do not have the right to cause another living being pain because we are in pain and do not know how to handle or control our pain. My prayers go out to the living who have to deal with this pain, and my prayers go out to those who lost their lives that their souls will one day live on.