Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Enjoy Today Quote

"Enjoy what life has brought you today instead of worrying about what life will bring you tomorrow!"

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Motherhood the Best Gift...

My lil one and me feeling baby girl kicking!
Amazing feeling!

January is Thyroid Disease Awareness Month

January is Thyroid Disease Awareness Month! Don't let your symptoms go unnoticed. I thought my low vitamin D and increase hair loss was due to my pregnancy until we found a lump on my throat! Listen to your body and never hold back when telling your doctor how you feel.

Thyroid cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers in America and one of the most curable.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Accept and Appreciate Who You Are Quote

"True strength is learning from what the past taught you and to accept and appreciate who you truly are today."

Friday, January 11, 2013

True Happiness Quote

"True happiness is to...enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future." L. Seneca

1st of the Months...Always Brings Great Things

It's official I booked my c-section for March 1st and my thyroid removal on April 1st. They say great things happen on the first of the month and I believe this year it is true!

My Happiness

These two have been through a lot with me and they are my motivation to keep it together, be happy today and help me look forward to tomorrow. 


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Thank YOU and Cheers

Happy 2013 Everyone!!! Although I have many great things to look forward to this year; a new baby, and being cancer free. I was super excited to see my blog had reach 20,000 hits!

So from the bottom of my heart I look forward to sharing the adventures of these next 12 months with you all and appreciate all your continued support!!!

Happy New Year and THANK YOU!!!

Cheers to a year we will never forget!