Friday, February 15, 2013

Act of Kindness For Self Gratification

We all have this misconception that if we do good for someone we shall get it back and most importantly those who do good deeds should never use that against someone to receive something in return.

I always believed that if you do good, good will come back, in one shape or form, not necessary from the same source not in the same way, ex: donating money doesn't mean you will get money in return, doing good for your neighbor doesn't mean that the same neighbor will do good in return. BUT this does mean that you do goodness out of the sole purpose of the goodness of your heart, you will receive goodness back, not from the same neighbor and maybe not in the form of cash but sometimes even the satisfaction of inner gratification should be enough.

I heard this passage the other day and it made me truly think:

"Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ in front of others, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." Matthew 6:1-6

Do not brag about your good deeds, do not expect people to acknowledge them right away but do know that good deeds do bring you good things in some shape or form. And the best form of an act of kindness is self gratification without having to have someone else praise you for it. Do it for the goodness of yourself!

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