Sunday, April 14, 2013

Accomplish Something Big...Start With Saying Thank You

I feel like I need to accomplish something big. Since I feel like I have been given a second chance in life and my purpose isn't yet fulfilled that I need to do something big , something good for people, give back to society. So in my search of fulfilling my life purpose I had to start by saying Thank You!

Along my journey of healing I constantly thanked those who helped me, who brought me food, watched my children, helped me around my house, brought my daughter to school and drove me to appointments.  But there was one last person on my list that needed a big thank you, my  Doctor who did her job in making sure her patient got the right care, my OBGYN 

When I failed my one hour glucose pregnancy test my OBGYN insisted I see an endocrinologist. At first I asked if I could just retake it she said since due to my history of being insulin resistant she was not comfortable with me retaking it until I saw one. That's what started this all!  When I thanked my OBGYN she said don't thank me thank that baby girl of yours for coming into your life, I agreed but also thanked her again and said she was a great doctor. The expression on her face was priceless. She kissed me on my cheek and said "thank you for taking my advice and really went to see a doctor, many patients don't take my advice and you did and it saved your life!"

Saying Thank You doesn't take much effort but makes people feel so appreciative and it also makes you feel good knowing you made other people felt good. So in my quest to find my purpose I want to THANK all of YOU my readers. Thank you for coming to my blog and encouraging me to keep telling my life story and experiences. 

I also want to make this is a lesson to take your doctor's advice. If they suggest a type of treatment or to see another doctor DO IT! By me listening to my doctor and taking her advice it saved my life! 

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