Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thyroid Surgery...Recovery Day 4

I am glad to say my surgery on Monday went really well. Everyone at Yale were amazing. They showed compassion and understanding and did everything in their power to make me comfortable. My girlfriend works in the recovery room and I asked if she could let me sleep and thankfully she told everyone so I got to sleep alot after surgery. Once I was in a room my throat hurt so bad. It felt like a really bad sore throat, the kind that stings when you breath in cold air or even when you swallow your own saliva.

The nurses gave me ice chips, medicine, cold beverages and nothing worked. Finally we turned to tea, hot water and a throat spray. Slowly my throat started to feel better. The nurses were better than I could have imagined. They showed compassion and one went out of her way to make sure I tolerated liquids so she could put an order in for me to have real food, she gave me scrubs so I could walk around on the cancer floor to heal faster and she even shorted my IV because it was becoming uncomfortable for me in my hand well after her shift was over. She was a god sent!

 I ate soft foods and soup for lunch and dinner. I spent the night a Yale so they could monitor my calcium levels and breathing. It felt like every hour they were giving me something; pain meds, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium ect...

I had the hardest time getting comfortable. They wanted me to sleep elevated to prevent swelling, but no matter how I laid I just could not get comfortable. It was not fun and I am now on Day 4 and still uncomfortable. I feel like no matter how I turn my head the tape on my incision is being pulled. My throat still hurts a little and I try not to talk too much.  Luckily everyday I feel better.

I am relieved that my incision is only about 2 inches and next Thursday they will take the bandage off. During surgery they had a lymph node tested to check how far the needed to cut and luckily it was negative for cancer. I did have three abnormal nodules on my thyroid. 1 Big one we knew that was there and abnormal and 2 smaller ones we weren't aware of until surgery. I am thankful this surgery is finally over and every day I am feeling better. I am not allowed to pick up and walk around with my baby but I lay with her and that allow has amazing healing powers for me. I have been blessed and  have had family with me all week to help. I am very luck to have all this support in my life and know I do not have to do through this alone.

Tomorrow I get my levels checked again. I can not wait for this all to be over. I am not one to lay low and be sick, I like to be out and about and feel good. I know things will get better soon and need to be patient and heal. I saw this the day after my surgery and felt it was so appropriate. It applies to not just those who had Thyroid surgery but everyone who ever been scarred by something in their life. I know I still have a long road ahead of me but know I have to just live one day at a time and hopefully this scar will fad in time and if not it just will be a symbol of my strengthen.

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