Friday, May 17, 2013

Make a Difference...Start with your Children

Want to make a difference in this world? Start by raising amazing kids! It's easier than you think. I hate to be that parent that blames another parent for a bad child because we all have our moments where we try our best and it back fires. BUT for the most part it is our responsibilities as parents to mold our children to have morals, good manners, be creative and have goals.

Goals is what drives a person. Let your children be children. Help their imagination run wild yet push them to excel and use their minds to their full capacity. When I play with my daughter I try to push her creativity to the max.

Ex: Flash Cards

Do the standard rules. Next line up 4 flash cards and with the pictures have your child make up a story. Then spread out 8 cards. Make them tell you which things you will find outside, or are round or, have the color blue in the picture... etc. See what you can so with one box of flash cards

Ex: Alphabet

Make a chart, have them write the letter that starts with different animals ex: Cat, then tell them to write the letter that starts with the word Cat. Then have them fill in the blank.  ex: _at is a fury animal, that meows. Have them draw in the missing letter C.

My daughter is 4 1/2, she is very active and gets bored easily. It is my job as a mother to push her intellectually while making it fun. I truly believe there are not a lot of "dumb" children , there are children who have not been pushed intellectually. It takes time and patience but parents it's your job to help your children excel. Children's brains are like sponges they are eager to learn. Take an hour a day and spend time with them.

I promise you they will shock you! Enjoy your life, enjoy your children and children are your chance to give back to society to create inspiring and intelligent people.

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