Friday, May 10, 2013

Talk....To Me!

My incision is healing so wonderful on my neck and soon you will not even notice I had my thyroid out and besides my achy body nothing else really changed expect for one thing: MY VOICE!

I lost my high pitch tone, at first it really bothered me. I can not sing and my voice is very hoarse. But luckily
it does get better everyday and my surgeon said in 6-8 weeks it will be back to normal and if not I can do voice therapy.

People I meet for the first time is shocked when I open my mouth. It doesn't fit my image and to be honest I think I sound like Marge Simpson's sister or a person who smoked too much. People who know me say it is very sexy and it even sounds like a phone operator's voice.

Not the type of Operator when you hit the number 0, the other type of operator that you pay to speak with like somone in the song below. So my joke to deal with this temporary change to just tell people if I wanted I could change my profession in a silly, kind of way, ha-ha would never really do it but might as well laugh about it kind of way.

Happy Friday All!


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