Saturday, June 22, 2013

RAI Treatment....Grease Please....2nd Day

Nothing seemed to help. I slept and woke up nauseous so I would just nap again. But like I mentioned before drinking water at least a glass an hour would help flush this radiation out of my system. So the more I slept the less I was up to drink, not good.  I kept thinking what my post RAI meal would be. I wanted something heavy, greasy. Finally I realized whenever I was hungover, I had grease and felt better. 

The low iodine diet is pretty intimating at first. It can be confusing so I read some recipes on the site for meals I could make that both my husband and I could eat so I wasn't constantly making two meals. Well hamburgers were one of them. 

Luckily I have my mom helping me though treatments so I woke up from yet another nap feeling hungover without the joys of partying to earn a hungover and I requested grease. I needed grease to feel better. BAM it hit me I could have a burger. So I  requested a burger on low iodine bread with my no salt added ketchup and finally I was getting some relief!

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