Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Couscous Salad..Simple Yet so Refreshing

This recipe is so simple yet very refreshing. Every picnic I bring it too I have been getting the same feedback: "what's in this salad it's so good and so refreshing !"

What You Need:

-1 box of couscous- I like the garlic flavored one
-1  cup of celery chopped
-1 cup of cucumbers chopped
-1 cup of red pepper chopped
-2 carrots cut- use organic if you can 
- 1/2 cup Olive Oil
- 1/2 cup Vinegar
-Salt 1/2 tablespoon

Follow directions on back of couscous package. Chop vegetables bite size. Once couscous is cooked let it sit to cool down. Then mix all ingredients.  Chill over night in fridge. Serve cold. 

The flavor of the couscous mixed with the crunchiness of chopped veggies is so refreshing and lite. It is totally a crowd pleaser!!!

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