Saturday, August 31, 2013

Being Mommy...

"Being Mommy is so challenging yet rewarding, means eating last, cleaning constantly, and turning your dining room into a kid friendly area where it's safe to eat play and paint or color all at the same time."

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Never Change...Baby Girl Starts Kindergarten

My only wish for my lil girl is to never ever change! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Nothing is Perfect so Just Be Happy

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” Similar Quotes

Thyroid Meds Still Off ...Need a Nap

"I survived Thyroid Cancer and now I need a nap!"

This is exactly how I feel. My Meds are still not right so my body is living off a combination of synthroid and cytomel. I love my cytomel. Oh my its like the perfect meds to help me feel somewhat myself again. However,unfortuanelty my doctor is weaning me off of it, she doesn't recommend it be used for people who had thryoid cancer and she believes once I get the right dose of synthroid I will feel normal again. 

  "NORMAL" is the key word in my life. Not exaxtly sure what that means but not forgetting things, living without hot flashes and not having horrible dry skin sounds great to me and having a metabolism that actually works is the type of "normal" I need in my life again. I have a good 25lbs to lose to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but without the right amount of thyroid Meds my weight will no budge.  I am losing about a half a pound a week if that, since my radioactive iodine treatment but at that rate I will be lugging around this extra weight for another year and well I rather not. 

I must say I turn to food for comfort and I am soooo tired that I haven't been to the gym in months. I need more motivation. Being a mother of 2 definitely has put a toll on me. Along with dealing with the thyroid cancer which I will like to now believe I am a survivor. I am waiting for a blood test to confirm next month. 

I should have a shirt made that says "oh no I am not fat. I just had a baby and thyroid cancer" Not sure though how people won't look at me like I am crazy! But then again aren't we all a little crazy anyway!
So I will find out in 6 weeks if "normal" is in my near future if not she will up my meds. In the meantime I will try to sneak in a nap as much as I can. Afterall, naps aren't just for kids anymore!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Take Some Time For Yourself

I finally did it. I went for a well needed long overdue pedicure. I know sounds so silly but when did I really have an hour to spare. I am either working or with my kids are at the doctors so I decided I need to put my crazy schedule aside and take a little me time. 

I must say it's amazing how much unnecessary things take up our time. I find myself wasting time trying to organize or prepare for the next thing! Meanwhile we have a vacation planned and I have nothing packed. Didn't shop. And dropped everything cause I knew it was time to finally have a pedicure. I walked in wearing my sweats. Hair tied back and figured this next hour will be for me. I almost had a little anxiety while trying to relax. 

Why do we do this to ourselves? We hardly take time for ourselves. Take a little time for you. To do something that makes you feel good   Once I feel better and build the energy I am going to run or go to the gym. I need to focus on more of me time. As a mom I am so consumed with taking care of others that honestly I know my body hasn't healed 100% from surgery and treatments. I need a time out and think you all do too.

What have YOU done lately to focus on YOU?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Second Chance

I feel like since healing from my Thyroid Cancer I have been given a 2nd chance in life. I built new relationships, apologized when I have been wrong and took the time to show others my appreciation. See we all know one day we are going to die but we go through life not living like we can die at any moment. 

If we did we would be a little nicer, help people more, love more.  I feel I have been given a 2nd chance and want to leave a positive mark in this world. I want to do things I wouldn't have been able to do. Right now my medicine isn't where I should be so I have had some rough days. Tired, extremely achy, moody. I have tried to have more patience. But when things get rough I try to look at how amazing life is. 

Not everyone is lucky enough to get a 2nd chance. I believe we all have a purpose in life. I have yet to fulfill mine. So I am taking the time to live my 2nd chance. I haven't done anything so extreme but I have worried about things a little less, treated people more kindly and literally stopped and smelled the roses. I have taken moments to admire how beautiful the sky is, how calming it is to watch the clouds glide by. 

I have thanked friends and loved ones. I have let go of anger and been true to people. I say I love you more, I live life as best as I can. I anticipate to live a long long time and really am grateful for my 2nd chance in life!