Monday, September 9, 2013

Life So Short and Can End Too Soon!

Life is short and sometimes we need to be reminded of that. It's crazy to know that everyday someone dies. You think death happens to only old people and even though its still sad we can at least say they lived a long life. Not Lately,  there have been alot of deaths involving young adults. People ranging between 25-48. It's been due to random acts like a heart attack, addictions or car accident. Some have been sick with cancer or another disease but its times like this that you stop and think man life is short. 

We, and I will even admit, are all so caught up in life that we let it pass by. We wait for the next best thing instead of enjoying what's infront of us, we complain about money and let money rule our emotions and best judgement. We live in a fast paced society where we are always trying to catch up. 

Stop, life is short. We all have a timeline that will eventually come to an end. I am not saying this to depress you. I am saying this to help you see what we are missing.

Don't miss out on life. Enjoy it and leave a positive mark on it!

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