Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Strengthen me by sympathizing with my strength, not my weakness.” Amos Bronson Today I am 5 months Cancer Free! What an amazing thing to say. It's also 1st day of September which is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Something I hold dear to my heart. My experience was very rough and took a toll on me even though I never showed it. Sometimes being strong is what you convince yourself you have to be when you are afraid of being weak. But sometimes facing your weakness is what ends up making you stronger.Everyday I still battle what my day will be like. Will my body ache, can I do it all without needing a nap. It's a constant battle. We all have our own story to tell. We are surviors in life and I gratefully can say I survived Thyroid Cancer! Check Your Necks!

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