Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Ash Wednesday- My Inner Voice

I always loved Ash Wednesday, I am not sure why. Maybe it is because the next event it leads to is Easter which is my all time favorite holiday. 5 Years ago around this time I was involved in a really bad car accident. I was on my way to refinance my mortgage, I was currently unemployed because the company I worked off sold and my husband and I were not having any luck getting pregnant. So needless to say it was not a great point in my life.

Then bam, I was getting on the Merritt, it was rainy and my tires spun out and I lost control on my car. I kept thinking get off the Merritt, avoid any cars, just head towards anything but the other cars. And I did, I ended up in a tree, the front grill of my pathfinder took the in pack and saved my life. It was folded in half, wrapped around a tree. I walked away from that accident without a scratch and luckily everyone else involved walked away fine too.

I remember attending Mass on Ash Wed. I remember sitting there and thinking I almost lost my life when I heard a little voice say "thank you for keeping me alive." They say we all have guardian angels and after that day I totally believed we do. My inner voice, my protectors were giving thanks for a helping me stay alive.

We all have a spiritual guidance within us, we all have a connection that once it is brought out of us we are able to find a sense of peace. Unfortunately I will never forget that accident, but luckily I also will never forget that sound of that little voice that made me believe my time on earth was yet to be fulfilled.

Two weeks after this accident I started a new job and found out I was pregnant with my daughter.