Friday, April 19, 2013

Plan Ahead...Post Partum Solutions

I have a wound on my neck and a wound on my stomach and the first week I was alone with my two girls all I wanted was to make an egg sandwich. Once the baby was fed her bottle and my daughter had her breakfast, dogs went outside and I check my bandages it was time for lunch.

Don't be like me...plan ahead.

The smartest thing I did on that following Sunday was went grocery shopping alone. I came home put the groceries away and while the girls slept I made a ton of food. I made an egg frittata, chicken salad and washed lettuce. I knew that the next day was Monday and in order to have a good week I needed to plan ahead.

Monday morning came and instead of making an egg sandwich , (which sounds so simple but you have to toast the bread and fry the egg and clean the pan which is too many steps when you have two little ones needing your attention) I just warmed up a piece of the frittata. For lunch I had a salad with a scoop of chicken salad. All I had to do was plate these items. I didn't have to wash dishes or make anything. And my girls needs didn't stress me out while I was trying to fulfill mine.

Moms plan ahead. Pick a day on the weekend when you husband can watch the kids and plan for the week ahead. You are NOT SUPERWOMAN! We can not do it all and we should not have to. But if you plan ahead you can make a world of a difference in your day.

I still get my egg sandwiches, I just now get them on the weekends when my husband is home to help me make them.