Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some Days May Be Bad...And That's Ok

I always try to have a positive outlook in life. I used to really believe "Everyday can be a Good day" I even wrote a post about about that but now that I am older and wise my new motto is "Some Days May be Bad and being angry and upset is ok but then learn to look for the Good in your day."

See we all think we are doing something wrong if life doesn't turn out as perfect as we planned. But reality is life is unpredictable. Never in my wildest dreams I thought I would be diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer while pregnant. After I wrote that post "Everyday can be a a Good day" my daughter fell down a flight of stairs. She was less than two years old. I was getting dressed, had a gate up and somehow she pushed on it and all I heard was a crash. She slide down 13 steps while holding on to the gate. I was in shock! I thought to myself I better go delete that post. She turned out fine, thank goodness, but that post was a reminder that yes you will have good days but there are bad days too and you have to learn that is ok.

All we can do is be good people, do good things, turn our bad luck around into good luck. The worst thing you can do is not deal head on with a bad situation because then you will not be allow you to move on.

Recently I woke up with the intentions that Every can be a good day and then my fire alarm went off, my dog had an accident in my dining room, I received a bill in the mail that I should have been billed for and a pen exploded in my draw and  all over my hands. I know these are all minor things but when you are home with two little ones and all this happens first think in the morning you think forget coffe I need a drink. BUT THEN I realized 5 weeks prior I had cancer in my body and knowing it was gone made me feel better.

My whole point is people have situations worse than yours and it does not mean you do not have the right to say you had a bad day. BUT deal with your bad day and move forward, move on and try to create better days!